Tamarkin Camera and the Rangefinder Gallery are proud to announce Cuba – Photographs of an Era, by Roberto Salas this May.
We’ve teamed up with the premier Cuba touring company, Complete Cuba, to bring this important and influential artist here to Chicago for an Artist Talk & Dinner, and, of course, for an extended gallery exhibit of his early work.
Mr. Salas had privileged access to Fidel Castro and the July 26 Movement revolutionaries as they hid in the Sierra Maestra Mountains in southeastern Cuba just before taking power in January 1959.

The Rangefinder Gallery at Tamarkin Camera
is located at 300 West Superior Street, on the second floor, in Chicago. We are open to the public 9 am- 5 pm Monday through Friday, and Saturday from 10 am - 2 pm. The exhibition is free.
Call the Gallery for more information - 312-642-2255 or email us at focus@rangefindergallery.com

The Gallery Exhibition, Artist Talk and Mr. Salas' visit are co-sponsored by Complete Cuba: Complete Cuba offers thoroughly researched, licensed small group and private boutique travel to allow you to experience the untouched island of Cuba now. Leave the research and logistics to us and explore the cities and villages of Cuba before recent reforms change the island forever. Visit CompleteCuba.com to learn more.